2018: Who Is A Physical Security And Video Surveillance Market Influencer?


It?s time for the Fifth Annual Physical Security and Video Surveillance Market Influencers Nominations. Nominate yourself ?or that influential market leader? that others should listen to and take note of their subject matter expertise and industry foresight. Security.World will take nominations through July 31st, 2018.

Nominate Someone Now Below!

Are you an industry mover and shaker? Do you ?or someone you know? command an audience when they speak on the subject? Do you, or someone you know, have such great insight into the physical security and video surveillance markets that their advice needs to be followed? For example, conference speakers, twitter, bloggers, or the like.

Security.World will collect the nominees and then submit a list for our community to vote on. The top 12 vote getters from the community will be invited to participate in a One-on-One Feature Profile to get an in-depth perspective on the individual, their thoughts on our market, and what insights we all should be paying attention to more closely.


2018: Nominate Industry Influencer

Industry Influencer Nomination Form
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