Agent Vi Leverages New 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors for Enhanced AI at the Edge

Agent Vi Innovi

Agent Video Intelligence has integrated the new 2nd Generation Intel? Xeon? Scalable processors in its innoVi? hosted video analytics service. The latest generation of Intel Xeon Scalable processors deliver a leap in processor performance, memory bandwidth, and advanced AI capabilities.

Agent Vi?s innoVi Edge, a compact appliance that serves as a cloud gateway and transforms IP cameras into ?smart? cameras, utilizes the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO? toolkit to deliver AI-powered video analytics by performing deep learning inference at the edge.

innoVi?s patented architecture distributes video processing between the innoVi Edge appliance and the innoVi service running on the cloud while reducing the data required for edge-to-cloud transmission. innoVi is also available for on-premise or private cloud deployments for customers with restrictions on use of third-party cloud hosting services.

Now, Agent Vi?s next generation of innoVi Edge devices with 2nd Generation Intel? Xeon? Scalable processors will be able to handle a significantly larger number of cameras thus reducing total cost of ownership for end users.

Agent Vi CTO Zvika Ashani said, ?Moving a portion of deep learning inference from the cloud to innoVi Edge reduces both required bandwidth and cloud operating costs. Now, with the availability of 2nd Generation Intel? Xeon? Scalable processors, we will be able to support more cameras with less hardware, translating to customer savings and improved ROI.?

Agent Video Intelligence (Agent Vi?) is the leading global provider of open architecture, video analytics solutions.
