Agent Vi has partnered with Milestone to offer end-to-end intelligent video surveillance solutions forreal-time detections and alerts, video investigation and business intelligence applications.
As a long time member of Milestone’s Technology Partner Program, Agent Vi?s AI video analytics solutions are seamlessly integrated and embedded within Milestone?s video recording and management platform.
This integration enables customers to receive, display and manage innoVi?s(Agent Vi’s AI-Powered Video Analytics Software platform) real-time events, post-eventinvestigation and business intelligence reports on Milestone?s XProtect products.
innoVi is Agent Vi?s feature-rich AI- powered video analytics software platform. innoVi provides abroad set of highly sophisticated video analytics capabilities for enhanced security and safety. innoVi is available as a cloud-based SaaS or as an on-premise software, offering capabilities thatmeet the needs of any Milestone customer.
innoVi is an open architecture video analytics software platform which makes it applicable to anysurveillance system. Its scalable robust architecture is applicable to installations of all sizes, withany number of cameras across multiple distributed sites, while offering the most attractive TCO.
As a mission-critical Cloud platform, innoVi was designed to provide high service availability, fullredundancy, seamless automated backups and upgrades and 24/7 network & camera healthmonitoring. Customers who choose to deploy innoVi locally (on-premise) still benefit from thesame Cloud-architecture advantages.
Agent Vi?s Competitive Advantages
- Advanced AI-Powered Analytics : State of the art AI algorithms provide broadobject classification capabilities at the highestaccuracy levels in the most challengingenvironments
- Open Architecture Solutions : Agent Vi’s solutions are camera agnostic andintegrate with Milestone?s XProtect products1Advanced AI-PoweredAnalyticsState of the art AI algorithms provide broadobject classification capabilities at the highestaccuracy levels in the most challenging
- Comprehensive Feature Set : A broad feature set incorporated into a singleplatform, offering rule-based real-time eventdetection, autonomous anomaly detection,forensic investigation, and statistical analysis
- SaaS & On-Premise : In addition to its on- premise softwaredeployment and licensing models, Agent Vioffers its solutions as a cloud-based SaaS,allowing infinite scalability
- Lowest TCO : The unique distributed architecture combinedwith deep-learning implementation over IntelCPUs instead of expensive GPUs, positionsinnoVi as the best priced solution in the marketin terms of hardware cost per camera
Agent Video Intelligence (Agent Vi?) is the leading global provider of AI-powered open architecture video analytics solutions.
Source: agentvi.com