The 2013 biometrics industry study has 563 pages, 249 tables, and figures. Worldwide markets for biometrics are poised to achieve significant growth. As people increasingly use electronics in their personal life, protection of individual information becomes a more compelling problem.
Biometrics devices protect individual information. The Biometrics market is anticipated to reach $16.7 billion by 2019. Market growth is a result of demand for protection of individual information and for the needs of organization to control access to documents and to physical areas.
Biometric identity units provide security protection. Units are comprised of integrated biometric capture devices. Biometrics is used to identify anyone in an accurate, repeatable manner. Physiological characteristics used for biometrics commonly include the face, fingerprints, and DNA.
Behavioral characteristics include the user’s digital signature, his or her voiceprint, and walk. As law enforcement programs are redesigned to include information from social media and to initiate smarter cities initiatives, biometrics becomes a more compelling technology, both fingerprinting and facial recognition.
With the worldwide rise in the threat of terror, biometric systems become a more compelling tool in the hands of the authorities charged with keeping populations safe.
A rise in government projects has been seen as terrorists become an increasing threat. This has been accompanied by increasing data security concerns. […]
Source: reportsnreports.com