Gatekeeper Systems Inc. (TSX.V: GSI) has experienced significant increased interest on its high definition body worn cameras, from police forces throughout Canada and the United States, in light of recent events and media coverage surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
Gatekeeper recently launched its XFORCE High Definition Body Worn Camera and Recorder in an effort to provide law enforcement and security personnel with a device that captures video and audio of actual events during officers’ daily interaction with the public, while safeguarding both police officers and the citizens they are trying to protect.
The XFORCE HD Body Worn Camera is designed as a light-weight rugged imaging device that attaches to an officers’ vest.
It records high definition video, audio, and other meta data which allow law enforcement agencies to search for past video by time and date or officer identification.
President and CEO Doug Dyment stated, “With the number of camera phones in the hands of everyday citizens, the chances of law enforcement being captured on video is high. We are seeing these video recordings distributed across multimedia platforms nearly as fast as the video is recorded. Personal video recordings from the public can be easily edited to portray police officers’ in a negative light, resulting in distrust in the community. Gatekeeper’s XFORCE HD Body Worn Cameras and Recorders provide high definition video during the day as well as at night in complete darkness. The information it records will facilitate law enforcement with an accurate account of what actually happened, which in turn will aim to protect officers and build trust in the community.”