HPC And Object Storage Helping Companies Intelligently Manage Video Surveillance Data


The adoption of high-definition cameras, increasing device connectivity, and the shift from analog to IP technologies are causing complex stores of video surveillance data to expand at an exponential pace. As the costs and complexity of video surveillance storage architectures grow at the same rate as the data itself, organizations are seeking new ways to intelligently store and manage these rising data volumes.

However, many organizations struggle to adapt to the evolving storage requirements associated with exploding data volumes, advancing camera technologies, and an expanding number of cutting-edge use cases. Recent estimates from IHS show that new security cameras will be generating more than 2,500 petabytes of data on a daily basis by the end of 2019. Storage will be a critical enabler of the ability to properly manage this vast quantity of video surveillance footage.

Here?s a few high performance computing (HPC) technologies that can help organizations overcome the challenges of explosive data growth:

  • Software-Defined Storage: Best-in-class object storage software can help organizations seamlessly scale beyond petabytes, increase data durability and accessibility, and improve the ROI of new storage investments as well as existing legacy systems.
  • HPC Server Platforms: High performance, scale-out systems like the HPE Apollo are designed to offer unparalleled reliability and scalability for object storage deployments, while a density-optimized form factor helps reduce costs by addressing the challenges of data center space and energy consumption.
  • Active Archives: The majority of video surveillance footage is well-suited to an active archive environment, as it is seldom edited but may need to be retained over the long-term. Active archives can protect these data volumes while continuing to offer immediate access to users, consolidate silos, and reduce the risk of data loss.

Companies that generate video surveillance files are faced with a growing tidal wave of data, and they must revisit their storage approaches in order to survive the deluge. HPC and object storage technologies are helping organizations scale and store video files efficiently using a single, consolidated, highly available and durable platform.

About The Author:
Bill Seidle
Senior Manager, WW Big Data & HPC Segment Marketing,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Source: hpe.com