Iveda® (OTCQB: IVDA), enabler of cloud video surveillance solutions via Sentir™ platform, announced that it is working with domestic and foreign body-worn camera manufacturers to integrate its live, mobile video streaming application software for instantaneous video recording to the cloud.
This added capability will allow law enforcement headquarters and officers in the field 24/7 on-demand situational awareness through viewing of live and recorded video.
"This type of collaboration is a win-win for Iveda and the law enforcement community," said David Ly, CEO of Iveda. "We showcase what we do best and we help law enforcement better protect the public."
The aftermath of the Ferguson shooting case has law enforcement agencies across the country exploring new technologies that will enhance policing and record events such as encountering and arresting a suspect.
In-vehicle video surveillance systems have been of tremendous value, but do not record events outside the field of view of the cameras in the vehicle.
Body-worn cameras are being discussed as a possible solution.
Body-worn cameras are already used by law enforcement agencies across the U.S. and other countries to record police officers as they patrol their beats.
In most body-worn cameras deployed today, the video is recorded on the device itself. Officers typically download the recorded video at the end of their shift to an agency server.
The video may either stay on the law enforcement agencies hardware or be uploaded to a third-party cloud service provider.
The video may either stay on the law enforcement agencies hardware or be uploaded to a third-party cloud service provider.
?With the use of Iveda?s Sentir video management platform, these cameras are enabled for live streaming video and instant recording of events to the cloud,? said Ly. ?This goes above and beyond the public?s expectations of being able to record officers? routine activities in the field by enabling real-time situational awareness. That in turn protects both the law enforcement officer and the suspect.?
The integration of Iveda?s Sentir into body worn cameras will allow law enforcement agencies to centrally manage video transmitted from hundreds or thousands of officers in the field for real-time situational assessment and instantaneous viewing of recorded video.
This highly-efficient method is a game changer for how videos are collected from the field and how soon video is available for viewing.
Source: iveda.com