MozaicID’s Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Mobile Biometric Reader fully complies with the U.S. Coast Guard TWIC Reader Rule.
MozaicID TWIC Mobile Biometric Reader meets full compliance with U.S. Coast Guard TWIC Reader Rule
The U.S. Coast Guard TWIC Reader Rule December 31, 2020 enforcement date applies to facilities that receive vessels certificated to carry more than 1,000 passengers and vessels certificated to carry more than 1,000 passengers.
The rule requires that owners and operators of said facilities and vessels, “conduct electronic inspections of Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWICs) as an access control measure.”
MozaicID’s mobile reader also fulfills TWIC reader accountability with all other underlying risk groups including the ability to operate at pier side, onboard, and lights out situations.
MozaicID’s President of Product Development, Steve Bowen, designed the legacy MaxID unit and was awarded the previous U.S. Coast Guard Reader Contract in 2009. The MozaicID Reader serves as the replacement for the MaxID Reader.
MozaicID has developed groundbreaking, integrated security solutions, providing identity verifications for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard and other agencies.