Netscout?s Cyber Threat Horizon Offers Free Real-Time Visibility and Analysis of DDOS Attacks

Netscout’s Cyber Threat Horizon

NETSCOUT SYSTEMS announced the public availability of Cyber Threat Horizon, a free threat intelligence portal that offers network and security operators greater visibility into Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in real-time.

Cyber Threat Horizon collects, analyzes, prioritizes, and disseminates data on past and emerging DDoS threats across the internet. This macro view gives users contextual awareness of the DDoS attacks that could impact their organization and allows them to gain unique insights into DDoS attack trends to provide the situational awareness they need to assess risk and prepare for cyberattacks.

As a result of the current COVID-19 outbreak, organizations around the globe are instituting work/learn from home policies on a massive scale. Now more than ever, critical infrastructure such as internet circuits, routers, VPN gateways, and firewalls must remain available to ensure remote access to internal resources and services.

DDoS attacks pose a significant threat to the availability of this critical infrastructure and services. Cyber Threat Horizon gives organizations the ability to gain situational awareness of DDoS attacks and put protection in place before remote access is impacted.

?Our new reality has placed increased demands on network security and IT administrators to ensure remote workers have access to the applications and information they need to be as efficient and productive as possible,? stated John Grady, cybersecurity analyst at The Enterprise Strategy Group.

?With bad actors escalating their cyberattacks on our IT infrastructure, global enterprises and service providers should consider not only solutions providing strong mitigation capabilities, but tools that deliver the critical insights necessary to prevent DDoS attacks before they happen.?

Backed by the Arbor Active Threat Level Analysis System (ATLAS?), which sees approximately one-third of the world?s internet traffic, Cyber Threat Horizon collects data from a variety of diverse sources, including anonymized information from Arbor Smart DDoS Protection by NETSCOUT? products deployed globally, plus dark web and botnet traffic, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the global threat landscape. Cyber Threat Horizon provides the context needed to understand the threat of DDoS attacks, how they form, evolve, and target businesses. The portal visually displays data by DDoS attack source country, target country, attack size, duration, industry sector, and attack type. The last three most significant DDoS threats scroll across the bottom of the threat map to alert users in real-time.

?For more than 20 years, NETSCOUT has been the leader in DDoS attack research, protection products, and services. With more than 400 worldwide network operators contributing to Arbor ATLAS, no one on the planet has more visibility into global DDoS attack activity. In other words, we see things others can?t,? stated Hardik Modi, AVP, engineering, threat and mitigation products, NETSCOUT.

?When millions of people can be impacted by one DDoS attack, the need for visibility into those attacks across the internet is imperative.?

For expanded research and analysis, users can create a free log-in, which provides access to historical data back to 2003. Logging into the portal also offers the ability to establish customized neighborhoods using filters like geography and industry sector, as well as refinements like source country, destination country, and trigger or event types.

By leveraging neighborhoods, users can create customized reports across various regions of the world, industry verticals, time increments, and more to understand how DDoS attacks could impact their networks.

?It?s this level of threat awareness that enables an organization to determine its DDoS attack risk and put the appropriate level of DDoS attack protection in place,? concluded Hardik Modi.

For a global view into how DDoS attack activity could impact your organization, visit NETSCOUT?s Cyber Threat Horizon, and read more about it on our blog. For a deeper understanding, join our webinar on April 9, 2020, at 11:30 am EDT, entitled ?How to Use Global DDoS Threat Intelligence for Your Local Situational Awareness.?

NETSCOUT SYSTEMS helps assure digital business services against disruptions in availability, performance, and security. Their market and technology leadership stems from combining our patented smart data technology with smart analytics. We provide real-time, pervasive visibility, and insights customers need to accelerate and secure their digital transformation.
