Panoramic Camera Captures Seamless 4K 360-Degree Video, Sells for $750

Panoramic Camera Captures Seamless 4K 360-Degree Video, Sells for $750

The Joey is a new standalone video camera from Kogeto that captures seamless 360-degree videos at high-resolution. New York City-based operation Kogeto is offering a stand-alone camera that can capture high-quality, 360-degree footage with a Kickstarter price of just $750 (retail will $1,300).

The Joey has 13-megapixel camera that captures video through a reflective dome, the same concept as Kogeto’s first panoramic stand-alone camera, Lucy.

The camera captures 3,840×720-pixels at 30 frames per second of panoramic footage.

Aside from recording videos, the camera is equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities for connectivity and videoconferencing capabilities.

Powered by a Snapdragon 800 processor, it runs the proprietary JoeyCapture software.

On the base is a 4-inch touch panel where the user controls the device.

Kogeto CEO Jeff Glasse stated "The device mixes portability with the highest quality in video, filming in up to 4K ultra high definition. Joey is more advanced than any other panoramic camera that has been brought to market, with its multi-purpose live broadcast capabilities that create an abundance of business and production applications exclusive to Kogeto."

The Joey could be used for video productions, two-way video conferencing, and security footage capture with voice and facial recognition systems from Kogeto.

However, there still remains a lot of room for discovering other uses for the device.

The Joey has already been used for on-site recording during the premiere night of Divergent and is currently used to make behind-the-scenes clip for the sequel Insurgent.
