PROMISE Technology, a leading developer of storage solutions for the video surveillance market and a Milestone Solution Partner, announces the PROMISE Vess R2000 external storage series joined the Vess A2000 NVR appliance as tested and certified solutions for Milestone XProtect® video management software (VMS) with documented performance results, optimal configurations, and solution architectures.
PROMISE offers a complete portfolio of video surveillance solutions certified by Milestone Systems for recording servers and external storage, enabling integrators and end users to build a solution with confidence that the system will meet their performance and security needs.
The Milestone Solution Certification report includes performance benchmarking to allow a better understanding of how the storage solution will perform with XProtect VMS.
The Vess R2000 was verified to deliver double the performance benchmark determined by the Milestone server and storage calculator for disk throughput. In addition to its impressive throughput, the Vess R2600?s dual controller failover functionality was tested and proven.
This feature, and the Vess R2600 storage solution, can be used as part of a larger suite of redundancy options, including RAID configurations, software-based failover and other redundant components, to provide a highly resilient and powerful surveillance system.
The certification testing verified that XProtect VMS and the PROMISE integrated system is highly scalable with several excellent storage controller interface options, and multiple available redundancy methods to create reliable high performance surveillance and security solutions for mission-critical applications.
Additionally, the Milestone Solution Certification report proves that the optimal configuration for video recording and storage performance is achieved by running the Vess R2000 in its surveillance mode and placing the live database and archive database on the same physical and logical disk volume. These configurations provide the highest rate of IOps, or read/write performance.
?It is very impressive that this PROMISE Technology certification verified double the performance delivered against our Milestone benchmarks for a server and storage solution integrated with our software. This certification provides customers with documented optimal specifications for the highest level of trust in purchasing decisions and implementations,? says Trine Voss, Head of Milestone Solution Partner Program.
?PROMISE has been working closely with Milestone for years to bring our customers powerful solutions they can rely on for even the most demanding security project,? said Jack Yang, Senior Product Planning and Marketing Manager, PROMISE Technology. ?The solution certification for both the Vess A2000 and R2000 are very important because it provides documented results to integrators and end users that prove the quality of PROMISE?s recording servers and external storage and helps demonstrate how optimal systems can be built with XProtect VMS.?
Source: promise.com