PSA, announced that Glenn Bill, speaker, author, serial entrepreneur, and world-class coach, will be featured at PSA TEC as the keynote presenter.
His presentation, ?Amplify Your Attitude?, will take place on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 8:00 AM during breakfast. All TEC attendees are invited to attend this general session.
Glenn Bill is America?s #1 attitude speaker and is the author of the Amazon #1 International Best Seller The ABC?s of ATTITUDE: Discover the Secret Formula to Achieve Success in YOUR Personal and Business Life, Increase Your Emotional Intelligence and GET ATTITUDE! He has been featured on FOX News, CBS, ABC, NBC, Business Journal, and other network stations.
Most recently he established the University of Attitude which is built upon three pillars; personal growth, empowerment for professionals, and education. Starting out as a real estate agent, Glenn has carved his own path as a business owner, high school sports coach, community leader, and family man.
?As professionals within the security industry, it?s important that we take time to do a self-awareness inventory,? said Anthony Berticelli, director of education at PSA. ?We are excited to have Glenn Bill join us at TEC to help us amp up our attitudes and focus on how our attitude impacts us, our work, and everyone around us every day. We hope that attendees walk away with the tools to evaluate their attitude and reflect on how to achieve the highest level of success.?
PSA TEC will be held at the Sheraton Downtown Denver, CO on March 12-16, 2018. Event registration is currently open for all systems integration professionals.
PSA is the world?s largest systems integrator cooperative made up of the most progressive security and audio-visual systems integrators in North America.
Source: psasecurity.com