Sequr Announces Sequr Access Sync To Bring Unprecedented Automation To Physical Security

Sequr announced Sequr Access Sync to automate perimeter security for modern buildings. Sequr Access Sync marks a new milestone in the industry trend towards the convergence of physical and cyber security.

Physical and cyber security have historically been handled separately using different tools. In the cyber arena, everything from the CEO?s email account to the customer database is protected by a technology called identity and access management ( IAM ) software that?s used by practically every modern security-conscious organization.

IAM solutions enable highly automated enforcement of access rules for every user, a capability that Sequr Access Sync carries over into the real world to the physical facility.

Sequr Access Sync can connect to every organization?s IAM deployment, thanks to support for all leading IAM solutions on the market. From there, Sequr draws on the rich security information that an organization?s IAM system contains about every person to intelligently determine how to manage their physical access. Administrators can customize the physical perimeter?s automated behavior using a powerful rules engine with set-it-and-forget-it capabilities.

Data-driven onboarding . Sequr Access Sync automatically recognizes individuals who require access to the facility or office right after their profile is created in the organization?s IAM personnel database as part of the routine onboarding process. Then, Sequr pulls security data from the IAM system including the person?s job role, departmental affiliation, work location and more to determine how to best manage their access.

Automated management . Administrators can define set-it-and-forget-it onboarding rules for assigning access. Rules can encompass specific doors, elevators and gates as well specific access schedules. For example, a company might create a rule to assign individuals access to the building entrance, parking lot gate and elevator from 9am to 5pm on work days. Sequr Access Sync can also assign every person access to their specific work area (e.g. if a person?s IAM profile shows they?re part of the marketing department, they would receive access to the marketing department?s door on top of their other credentials.)

Powerful adaptability. Using a facility?s predefined rules, Sequr Access Sync can automatically adapt the physical perimeter to security changes. For example, if a person is promoted from the marketing department to the executive suite, Sequr Access Sync will become aware of the change thanks to the IAM integration and update the access credentials on that person?s mobile device.

Responsive security. The Sequr-powered perimeter can intelligently adapt itself to security changes such if a person moves to a new role with expanded facility access, a different work schedule, or even a different company facility. Access credentials that are no longer needed are immediately removed with no need for manual input. This prevents the build-up of unused credentials and thus avoids the security gaps that can form over time due to human oversights when deprovisioning must be done manually.

?Access control is a fundamental requirement for any organization to achieve security compliance and to pass their regular security audits. Misplaced or stagnant employee access credentials can be dangerous,? said Sequr Chief Technology Officer Mishi Patel.

?With Sequr, admins never have to worry about unauthorized access to the office. They can define granular access rules in the cloud that automatically keep the physical perimeter secure and in sync with the organization.?

Sequr Access Sync is available immediately with support for all leading IAM solutions on the market including Google G Suite Directory, Microsoft Active Directory, Okta, OneLogin, Auth0, Bitium and Centrify. It expands Sequr?s already extensive lineup of advanced access management capabilities. Sequr provides real-time analytics for access monitoring, anti-passback to prevent the use of mobile credentials by unauthorized users, first-person-in and holiday access rules and more. Sequr provides a mobile access control platform trusted by a broad cross-section of companies, from co-working spaces to category leaders such as UPS, across a variety of segments including logistics, information technology, e-commerce, healthcare and more.
