Del Williams
Physical Security Integration: Unlocking its Full Potential
For any operation with assets needing to be protected from theft or vandalism ?such as car dealerships, truck fleets, equipment rental companies, or contractor lots? fully integrating the latest capabilities of physical security and access control systems can drive down costs significantly. This ?virtual? approach combines video surveillance, access control, and information technology (IT) integration to replace many of the functions of in-person security personnel.
Increased Demand to Tighten Physical Security at Food Plants
Ensuring food safety is more critical than ever today for the industry and supply chain, from trucking to processing and packing to storing food in temperature-controlled environments. Now, food processors more than ever are looking to restrict physical access to those with appropriate clearance only, and to limit the number of people who can enter a building to protect the safety of food and better prepare for COVID-19. Food companies are utilizing video surveillance and access control systems to enhance security and production.