The Future is Hybrid: Why Hybrid-cloud Solutions are Gaining Traction

By Andrew Elvish, Vice President of Global Marketing, Genetec, Inc.

Cloud or on-prem? With the next generation of software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, companies no longer have to choose. Organizations are increasingly implementing hybrid solutions, leveraging the best of both technologies to enhance their security and operations.

An open, hybrid deployment allows businesses to make technology investment decisions based on their needs and move to the cloud at their own pace. They can adopt cloud solutions at the facilities or sites where it makes sense and keep other activities on-Prem.

For example, archiving video directly to the cloud is an option (even a mandate) for some organizations. However, depending on the amount of data to transfer and the quality and cost of the internet connection, it might not be practical for others. A hybrid approach allows them to easily control the proportion of data that gets sent to the cloud versus the amount they choose to store on-prem.

In addition, with an open, hybrid solution, users have the flexibility to mix and match their devices and take advantage of the metadata they produce. Users can choose cameras from multiple vendors that have onboard analytics that suit their specific needs, and they can interact with this data through a single unified interface. To the user, it’s a seamless experience that yields actionable information quickly and with minimal effort.

Taking full advantage of the cloud

Last year, the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Cloud Business Survey revealed that although 78% of executives polled had adopted cloud technologies in most or all parts of the business, more than half hadn’t realized the outcomes they hoped for. Why? Moving to the cloud or running parts of your business in the cloud isn’t the same as being ‘cloud-powered’, PwC concluded.

Zooming in on the folks who did experience strong results, the report revealed that the secret to their success was taking the time to rethink their business so they could take full advantage of the potential of cloud technology.

The cloud-powered companies in the PwC report didn’t just take what they did on-prem and move that into the cloud. They considered how their current processes and pain points along with the outcomes they wanted and needed, such as cost savings, new revenue streams, increased resilience, or more efficiency. They were careful to apply the method, whether cloud, on-prem, or hybrid, that had the strongest business case for their goals.

Convergence of IT and physical security driving cloud adoptions

Previously, cloud or hybrid-cloud solutions appealed most to small or mid-sized companies. This year’s Genetec™ State of Physical Security survey revealed that the greatest demand for cloud adoption in a hybrid deployment is now from large corporations with more than 10,000 employees.

This interest is driven in large part by the convergence of physical security and information technology (IT) departments. IT teams are moving into a more active buying role when companies look to on-board new video management, access control, and other physical security systems.

Over the past decade, IT departments have been working to remove physical email servers, file servers, firewall boxes, and other on-prem devices. They’re now starting to look for ways to optimize on-premises servers for physical security systems. Until recently, they’ve had to keep a few racks of servers to store data from video surveillance and access control. Now, they’re looking at moving that data –in whole or in part– to the cloud. They realize the value of utilizing cloud solutions versus maintaining servers that require time, space, patches, updates, and staff resources.

A new perspective on cybersecurity and the cloud

With the emergence of tech-savvy physical security and IT teams, attitudes toward the cybersecurity of cloud technologies are changing. In the 2024 Genetec State of Physical Security Report, one-third of companies surveyed stated that their organization was targeted by cybercriminals in 2023.

Security professionals are aware that cyberattacks are increasing in frequency and sophistication, so it’s no surprise that cybersecurity is top of mind for many. Where organizations once ranked cybersecurity risks as a top deterrent for moving to the cloud, decision-makers are now more aware of the cybersecurity benefits of cloud solutions.

Cloud-based security platforms offer access to real-time threat intelligence and analysis so organizations stay alert to emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Cloud providers also monitor the latest threats and initiate regular third-party penetration testing and auditing to stay current on potential risks. For the system operator, this means immediate access to the latest updates so they can quickly address issues and strengthen their organization’s cyber posture.

The future is hybrid

As businesses rationalize their costs, concerns, and approach to migrating to the cloud, hybrid-cloud deployments are gaining traction. There’s no all-or-nothing with a hybrid-cloud approach.

Businesses remain in total control of how they deploy their systems across various locations. With an open ecosystem that allows them to implement technology based on their needs, organizations can unify, upgrade, scale, and deploy systems faster. They’re able to streamline processes and strengthen their cybersecurity while staying flexible to new opportunities. Adoption of the cloud is accelerating, and the future is hybrid.

Genetec solutions can be implemented on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid deployments. The company’s flagship products, Genetec Security Center and Genetec Security Center SaaS, unify core physical security functions, such as access control, video surveillance, automatic license plate recognition (ALPR), intrusion detection, communications, and analytics. visit:

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