Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalog: The Global Government Biometric Systems Market 2014-2024. This report is the result of SDI’s extensive market and company research covering the global biometric systems industry. It provides detailed analysis of both historic and forecast global industry values, factors influencing demand, the challenges faced by industry participants, analysis of the leading companies in the industry, and key news.
Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written? The Global Biometric Systems Market 2014-2024 offers the reader detailed analysis of the global biometric systems market over the next ten years, alongside potential market opportunities to enter the industry, using detailed market size forecasts.
What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
Global governmental spending on biometric programs and corresponding systems is predominantly driven by the numerous e-passport and national identity card programs underway in various countries and the projects slated to begin in the near future.
The US and European nations including the UK, Germany, France and other smaller European nations were the early adopters of biometric technology for various purposes including border control, airport security, identity security, and law enforcement.
E-Passports and national identity cards equipped with electronic chips carrying biometric data, form the major basis for all the aforementioned applications. With increasing popularity, countries in Asia Pacific and Latin America are adopting biometric passports and electronic identity cards.
Source: reportlinker.com