100 Reveal Body-Worn Cameras to Help Improve India?s Hyderabad Roads


Reveal announced that the Hyderabad Traffic Police (HTP) recently procured 100 RS2-X2 body worn video cameras for use to improve traffic policing in the area, and improve enforcement over regulation on their roads; as the Indian city looks to increase ?smart-policing? strategies.

Already, other nations have already begun investigating their own opportunities to implement body worn video cameras, for example both Hong Kong and Singapore police (the latter whom inspired the HTP) have already partnered with Reveal with success.

Reveal works with many partners worldwide, for example in Singapore, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations) Lau Peet Meng said, ?The body cameras will complement existing forensic methods to allow the police to piece together what actually happened at an incident.?

He also said the overall aim is to also provide a safer and more secure city to which 5,469,700 citizens call home.

Similarly, Hong Kong Police have also been moving forward with trials of Reveal?s RS3-SX camera, and it has been identified how ?Police officers will also handle confrontational scenarios more efficiently since actions are documented,? a Hong Kong Police spokesperson said.

Both police forces also expected the Reveal body cameras to instil a higher degree of transparency and accountability among the police in handling confrontational scenarios.

Likewise, all over the world, Reveal?s range of versatile, high design-spec, cameras have helped in reducing the number of complaints against police officers, and increase public confidence in their policing actions.

Hyderabad Traffic Police released a statement, indicating the purpose for their body camera project and the changes they wish to see.

As a part of the Smart Policing initiative, and to improve the behavior of both Police and public during interactions, the Hyderabad Traffic Police started an innovative idea of introducing a Body Worn Video Cameras.

This would facilitate socially desirable behavior, in addition to increasing transparency of the police. Finally, use of video cameras can bring measurable benefits to relations between the police and civilians.

Source: revealmedia.com