We’ve all been there – having to very carefully edge out of a busy car park without bumping into any other vehicles. Sadly for this motorist, they got their reverse manoeuvre completely wrong by losing control and smashing into two parked cars and maybe more. The dozy driver tentatively edges out of a parking space, before unexpectedly stamping on the accelerator and shooting backwards while turning 180 degrees.
The silver hatchback smashes into the back of two cars, sending one forwards, as it spins into a corner. The errant vehicle may even have smashed into a third car off camera before coming to a stop.
Security cameras captured the drama at Olton railway station near Solihull, West Midlands, on Friday, September 27. Amazingly, the driver sits at a standstill after the smash for around a minute, before slowly driving out of the car park as if nothing happened.
Investigating officer PC Ali Jama, said: ‘We are now two months on from this incident taking place shortly after 1.20pm on Friday, 27 September. ‘Despite extensive inquiries, officers have yet to trace the driver of the silver Ford Escort which collided with three parked cars before the driver left the scene. The driver’s manoeuvre begins to go wrong as the veer towards parked cars. The driver’s manoeuvre begins to go wrong as the veer towards parked cars. […]
Source: yahoo.com