Chula Vista Police Now Wear Body Cameras

Chula Vista police now wear body cameras

Chula Vista, CA, Police have changed the way they respond to calls. Chula Vista patrol officers are now wearing body cameras in the field.

It is something the officer have wanted for years.

In November, the Chula Vista City Council approved the purchase of body cameras for 120 officers.

Around half of the 120 officers have completed training and began wearing the cameras while on patrol less than one month ago.

By March, 120 officers will be wearing them while in the field. Officer Marshall Gillon, one of the first officers to begin wearing them, said they’ll help with police transparency.

Capt. Vern Sallee agrees. “It also provides an accurate account so we don’t have to rely on ‘he said, she said’ arguments if there’s any dispute as to what occurred during an incident,” he said.

Local TV FOX 5 went on patrol with Officer Gillon as he responded to an alleged hit and run involving a pedestrian and made a routine traffic stop.

From the television camera angles it appeared that the woman he pulled over attempted to bribe the officer, as she waved a $20 bill near the officer several times.

But Officer Gillon said, thanks to his body camera, he could prove that she did not try to bribe him. He explained it was a misunderstanding because the woman appeared nervous as he wrote the ticket.

“No, she just had money in her hand when I walked up to the car,” he said.

The body camera video from the traffic stop FOX 5 witnessed will be uploaded to a third party website with heavy cyber security.

Because it was a non-violent, minor incident, it will only be stored for 90 days. The length of time an incident will be stored digitally will vary depending on the severity. A homicide, for example, would be stored forever.
