With the opening of the “Dallmeier Solution Centre” in Johanns Systemhaus in Bitburg, Dallmeier now has an extraordinary Video IP Showroom in the western part of Germany as well. The overarching theme of the centre is ?Experience live ? touch and be amazed ? see your own benefits and operating scenarios?.
In the new showroom in Bitburg, existing and prospective customers can experience for themselves the advantages of the video IP solutions from Dallmeier and Johanns Systemhaus. Here, the two companies present their comprehensive portfolios,ranging from standard solutions such as surveillance for protection against intrusion, theft and vandalism of a domestic residence or a commercial property or premises, to various industry-specific solutions with special requirements, such as for car dealerships, and including video analysis with functions such as people counting and object detection.
Visitors can experience for themselves the user friendliness and flexibility of the next generation video management 4.0 ? platform-independent, portable, and future-proof.
Visitors to the Dallmeier Solution Centre can also experience the unique Panomera® camera technology for full video surveillance of large areas at first hand and find out about the added value offered by this patented multifocal sensor system in real life situations.
Panomera and video management 4.0 –the fourth industrial revolution has arrived in video technology.
As a professional service, Johanns Systemhaus also shows how a synchronised total video solution is planned, set up and put into operation.
“For us as a manufacturer of video security technology, Johanns Systemhaus is a proven, committed partner in the IT systems sector, one which is now developing its own innovative industry solutions based on our technologies. This drive to find solutions on the part of our partner convinced us to establish a joint showroom and a Dallmeier Solution Centre at the Johanns Systemhaus location. For our shared customers and prospects from the West and Northwest of Germany as well as the neighbouring Benelux Countries, this showroom means shorter distances and corresponding savings in time and costs when they wish to receive professional advice for a video project and ?experience the solution up close and in real time?”, Dieter Dallmeier explains the reasoning behind the venture.
And Edmund Johanns adds: “In our showroom, we demonstrate the versatility and capabilities that are offered by IP video technology from Dallmeier and Johanns. Our visitors can form their own impression of the enormous range of possible implementations and the added value that this video technology can bring to their requirements. In this context, the implementation areas range from classic protection of property to sophisticated video assistance systems and can even contribute to optimisation of business processes.I would like to specifically mention the combination solution ?IDTECT?, which integrates IP video and RFID components in a system for preventing and investigating theft and vandalism. Our concept represents an effective, creative solution to a problem that has not been addressed satisfactorily by any other product on the market, and which particularly affects car dealerships and similar businesses where property must be protected on the move and in real time.”
As the joint solution centre opens for business, J
Source: dallmeier.com