Ever wondered who was standing on the front porch, ringing the doorbell? Maybe it was the neighbor or the mailman. Maybe it was someone unfamiliar. DefenDoor ? the affordable, smart doorbell and camera ? is perfect for those moments.
There?s a new system that allows you to screen your visitors just like you screen your calls, keep your home safely monitored while you?re out, and even receive updates when your family members return home safely. Its name is DefenDoor.
At a price point of $149, this is the smartest, most cost effective solution to monitoring your doorstep and the rest of your home. It?s a totally wireless, waterproof monitoring solution that can be installed anywhere. Key specifications for the camera include a wide-angle lens (150 degrees) that shoots in 720P/ HD resolution. DefenDoor even allows guests to leave a voice message. G Sensors can be spread throughout the windows of your house, so that intruders will be caught and you will be notified if one is opened.
DefenDoor will be launching for pre-order on Kickstarter on November 11, so visit their website to stay up-to-date.
Source: glate.in