Video surveillance cameras and analytics continue to be pushed out toward the perimeter at a high rate and are becoming an integral part of electronic perimeter security solutions.
According to a recent report published by IHS, the global market for intelligent devices in perimeter security applications is forecast to top $200 million in 2013. Historically, sensors have been the primary means of detection for perimeter security applications. In recent years; however, there has been a growing trend for cameras and analytics to be used in addition to sensors on a perimeter.
The perimeter security industry has always been based on layers, so the addition of video only reinforces this ideology. Video and especially video analytics has been the fastest growing portion of the perimeter security industry since before 2010.
Previously, perimeter security applications mostly offered detection without verification or identification. Perimeter security integration with video is proving to be a great enhancement in terms of efficiency and the reduction of false alarms.
Identification of intruders has become one of the most talked about trends in recent months for perimeter security. This trend is partly being driven by the demand to lower false alarms, lower costs and the ability to provide patrols and guards in the field with real time information on the location and status of an intruder. And now, end-users have several options for identification. […]
Source: asmag.com