Investing in the Frontline: How Veterans Are Reimagining Security

By: Marcus Haney, AllegiantVETS

As the world races forward, so too does the landscape of security—a field where innovation is no longer a luxury but a necessity. At the helm of this transformation are veterans, whose unique blend of battlefield experience and strategic vision is driving a new wave of disruptive security technologies. These individuals are not merely adjusting to civilian life; they’re reshaping entire industries with a focus on protecting what matters most.

Veterans possess a rare combination of grit, ingenuity, and a deep understanding of real-world threats. In the tech-driven arena of cybersecurity, they’re pushing the boundaries by integrating AI and machine learning into predictive threat detection systems. These innovations go beyond reacting to threats—they anticipate and neutralize potential risks before they materialize, setting a new standard in proactive defense.

On the ground, veteran-led startups are revolutionizing physical security. From smart surveillance systems to biometric access controls, they are designing solutions with a military precision that addresses the sophisticated risks of today’s world. These technologies are not just about catching up to threats; they are about staying ahead of them—creating scalable, adaptive security infrastructures that evolve with the threats they guard against.

But it’s not just about technology. What truly sets veteran-backed ventures apart is their mission-driven approach. These founders carry with them the principles of service: a commitment to protecting others, a focus on the greater good, and an unwavering sense of duty. Their startups don’t just aim for profit; they aim to make the world a safer place.

As an LP in The Veteran Fund, I’ve had the privilege of seeing these remarkable projects up close. This fund is dedicated to empowering veteran entrepreneurs who are redefining what’s possible in security. The innovations coming out of these ventures are nothing short of groundbreaking, offering solutions that are as effective as they are visionary.

Venture capital plays a critical role in this journey. It’s the fuel that enables these veteran entrepreneurs to take their ideas from concept to reality, to scale their operations, and to impact the world on a grand scale. Every investment in these startups is an investment in a safer, more secure future.

In a world where security threats are constantly evolving, veteran-led startups are not just participating—they’re leading the charge. With the support of strategic venture capital, they are poised to redefine the security landscape, ensuring that the systems we rely on are as resilient and forward-thinking as the individuals who created them. The future of security is in good hands, and those hands belong to veterans who have once again answered the call to protect and serve.

Marcus Haney is the CEO of AllegiantVETS and a battle-tested Marine turned visionary leader behind its’ cause, championing the transition of service members into trailblazing careers.  His dynamic approach is shaped by resilience and a deep commitment to his fellow veterans and fuels their mission to empower and transform lives through unparalleled support and opportunities. 
