IPVM Introduces Google Maps Camera Calculator


IPVM has introduced its Google Maps Camera Calculator. The calculator provides the ability to address and map out cameras completely online. This is a major breakthrough that will save system design specialists time and money.

Google Street View Integration allows users to see a surveillance camera?s field of view before installation. In doing so, system integrators who use the calculator save on costly site visits.

As cameras are moved around a selected scene, the street view automatically updates as well. Users and integrators can experiment with different angles and locations, from their computer, quickly finding the ones that work best.

Automatic pixel density calculation makes selecting the proper cameras easy. Place a camera on a scene and immediately see an IPVM image quality preview. No more guessing whether a camera will meet customer requirements. Quickly change the distance of your target, angle of view, and focal length to accurately specify cameras.

In addition to all these great benefits, IPVM is not charging for usage of this calculator.

Source: ipvm.com