Louroe Electronics, the world leader in audio monitoring within the security industry, will host a live demonstration of its gunshot and aggression detection technologies for law enforcement and security professionals at DFW Gun Range and Training Center in Dallas, Texas, on September 27. Security executives traveling to Dallas for ASIS 2017, a security trade show that is expected to attract 22,000 attendees from September 25-28, will also attend the event.
During the demonstration, Louroe executives will demonstrate Louroe?s gunshot detector as rounds of ammunition are fired. Afterward, attendees will be given range time to experience the gunshot detection first-hand. There will also be a demonstration of Louroe?s aggression detection solution, which recognizes verbal hostility.
?Sound detection can make a critical difference when identifying and responding to high-risk situations,? said Richard Brent, CEO of Louroe Electronics. ?We look forward to meeting with the industry?s leading security executives and Dallas law enforcement to discuss how this technology can assist their teams in protecting their schools, hospitals, government facilities and cities.?
Louroe?s gunshot detector, upon recognition of a firearm, sends an immediate alert to law enforcement. The automatic notification shortens response time in high-risk situations when every second counts. The aggression detector analyzes anger, fear and duress in the human voice, and upon identification, and sends an alert to staff. The solution enables law enforcement to intervene before a conflict escalates to physical aggression and acts as a preventative system that is optimal for assault reduction.
A key advantage of the gunshot and aggression detectors is that they integrate with existing network security systems, minimizing initial setup and installation costs. Additionally, Louroe?s gunshot and aggression detectors can run simultaneously, empowering security staff to ascertain a greater number of hazards at once and giving them a true multi-threat detection solution.
For more information about the gunshot detection demonstration event, click here.
Source: louroe.com