[EDITOR’S NOTE: It appears that many are still uneducated as to the realities of the value and preventive realities of video surveillance installations.] The following story author is: Doug Kuiphoff – The Michigan House Commerce Committee will be hearing testimony this morning regarding HB 5189, the Jessica Heeringa law, which requires 24-hour gas stations to install costly surveillance equipment and maintain a minimum of two employees during overnight hours.
I sent the following email to all of the Republican members of this committee this morning:
Rep. Foster,
I write to you today to encourage the commerce committee NOT to support HB 5189. While the goal of this bill is laudable, it has almost no chance of accomplishing what it sets out to do – protect employees, specifically late night gas station employees.
The installation of security cameras prevents nothing; it merely acts as a POTENTIAL resource for police as they try to solve the crimes that MAY have been caught by them.
Robberies and killings occur each and every day in this country and are dutifully recorded by security cameras.
In many cases, the images they capture are too grainy, out of focus, or dark to provide any meaningful assistance to law enforcement.
Similarly, the addition of another employee guarantees nothing, especially if a firearm is introduced into the equation by a criminal.
A firearm in the hands of a criminal nullifies any perceived advantage offered by the presence of a second employee.
This bill does two things: it makes people FEEL SECURE without providing ACTUAL security and it increases the costs to employers – many of simply cannot afford the additional expenses.
Passing a bill simply because it is better than nothing is what the legislature has a history of doing.
If we are going to pass legislation to protect employees, then pass a bill that actually stands a chance of protecting someone.
Mr. Chairman, I encourage you and your committee to REJECT the emotional appeal that will be offered today in support of this bill in favor of legislation that actually stands a chance of accomplishing its stated goal of providing REAL PROTECTION to employees.
Source: blogspot.com