When it comes to recording and storing large camera counts, high-resolution frame-rate, or extended retention times, video storage systems can become hyper-expensive quickly. SecuVault has been designed and developed to store digital data and especially large volumes of recorded video in an efficient, simple, reliable, and cost-conscious manner. Looking at this from another perspective, SecuVault is an ideal near-line and long-term retention archive solution for video surveillance.
Low acquisition costs —and in particular low operating costs— are key to the implementation of such a solution.
SecuVault focuses on utilizing LTO technology as the eventual long-term storage platform. LTO has been deemed as the storage platform of record in the media and entertainment industry and is an insurance requirement for large feature-film productions. So if it is good for insurance companies, it can sure be good for video surveillance professionals looking for economical long-term video storage.
Above all, the SecuVault solution focuses on cost efficiency throughout the entire storage lifecycle —including the highest level of data dependability— a significant role of any data storage / video retention system.
The simple and standardized integration into video surveillance, IT, and data applications was another key aspect for the implementation of this solution.
Total cost of ownership also includes the costs of the medium (hard drives, cartridges, etc) itself. Further relevant factors for cost considerations of long-term retention and archiving include failure rates, reliability, MTBF (mean time between failure), security of stored information (even against cybersecurity attacks), storage cycles, scalability, and independence.
In times of public cloud offerings, changing terms and conditions on long retention periods as well as hardly predictable price structures and price variations are among the main cost drivers. Absolute (local) control over the data as well as independence of remote data
connections and their operational costs are further criteria to be considered for the overall calculation of data retention costs over extended periods of time.
SecuVision, a BDT company, has published a 25+ page report on the utilization of LTO technologies in video surveillance and explains how to get real world utilization of all available storage technologies to deliver an economical long-term video retention system.
Download your no-cost copy here…
Source: security.world