SIA Renews Support For Bipartisan DIGIT Act


The Security Industry Association (SIA) announced its continued support of the bipartisan Developing and Growing the Internet of Things (DIGIT) Act, reintroduced in the Senate on January 10th, 2017, by the Internet of Things (IoT) working group.

The group consists of Sens. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., Cory Booker, D-N.J., Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii. Sen. Fischer, the bill?s chief sponsor, again recognized SIA as a key supporting organization in a press release.

?SIA is encouraged by the reintroduction of this important legislation, which would deal with a wide range of IoT issues. Congress can do a lot of good by acting to ensure privacy and security in the face of rapidly expanding IoT technologies,? said SIA CEO Don Erickson. ?In the private sector, the security industry should have a seat at the table as federal agencies devise strategies for protecting users of IoT devices.?

?The most important part of the Internet of Things aren?t things at all. They are people: the families, children, patients, and entrepreneurs whose lives could change through connected technology,? said Fischer. ?The DIGIT Act would open up the lines of communication between the private and public sector to help ensure our nation can seize the incredible benefits of this growing, global network.?

The DIGIT Act would convene a working group of federal entities that would consult with private sector stakeholders to provide recommendations to Congress. These recommendations would focus on how to plan for, and encourage IoT growth in the United States. In facilitating this collaboration, the bill would provide input from private sector experts and prevent potential problems, such as regulatory silos. The bill also directs the Federal Communications Commission to initiate a proceeding assessing the spectrum needs required for IoT support.

SIA members recognize the profound impact of IoT in allowing devices to perform better, smarter and in a more coordinated fashion, especially within the physical security arena. By 2025, studies show that the IoT is expected to economically contribute up to $11 trillion per year globally. The growth potential is exciting for both public and private sectors, and SIA supports policies that allow for the innovation, proliferation and successful deployment of IoT technologies, and the continued leadership of the United States in this industry.
