Denis Hébert

SIA Welcomes New Chairman, Announces Executive Committee And New Board Members

The Security Industry Association (SIA) welcomed a new Chairman and new Directors to the SIA Board of Directors during ISC West 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Security Industry Association is global security solution providers. SIA protects and advances its members? interests by advocating pro-industry policies and legislation at the federal and state levels; creating open industry standards that enable integration; advancing industry professionalism through education and training; opening global market opportunities; and collaboration with other like-minded organizations.

SIA Names James Marcella As SIA Committee Chair Of The Year

The Security Industry Association (SIA) has selected James Marcella, Director, Technical Services, Axis Communications Inc., as 2017 SIA Committee Chair of the Year for his work with the SIA Education Committee. With this award, SIA honors Marcella for his work in strengthening education programming for the security industry through SIA Education. SIA Chairman Denis H