Video surveillance storage is one of the important parts of the video surveillance system setup. These storage devices are connected to the video cameras to save and record the feed. These storage devices contain storage media such as hard disk drives and solid state drives and get connected directly or over the network.
The storage technologies include direct attached storage which can be implemented inside the system or could be attached externally.
The network video recorders and the storage area networks facilitate the storage over the IP network.
The digital video recorders are connected directly to the surveillance systems while the unified storage contains a combination of different storage arrays and can be attached directly or over the network.
The increasing video surveillance market is complimenting the surveillance storage market along with the decreasing prices of the storage media.
New technological innovations from the companies are also adding up to the increasing storage capacities to petabytes (PBs) along with the reducing cost of storing the video surveillance data.
Though these markets can exist independently, but the playing fields are the same. When the surveillance systems are newly installed the storage systems are mostly provided in the bundled package, but many of the companies implement these systems according to their requirement and needs.
Source: briefingwire.com