VMS Solutions Adapt to Today?s Mobile Environment

In a published article titled, The Neuroscience of Memory: Implications for the Courtroom, the authors state that memory is a reconstructive process susceptible to distortion. If so, eyewitnesses? testimonies that may be subject to memory distortion may also be viewed as questionable evidence in the future.

Several other published articles suggest similar opinions about the accuracy of eyewitness accounts.

New VMS Solutions Make Video Content More Accessible

Fortunately, the proliferation of surveillance cameras in both public and private environments eliminates memory distortions during the reconstruction of events. What?s more, the coverage capabilities of advanced surveillance systems continue to expand in new and inventive ways.

One of the most significant breakthroughs in surveillance mobility is the ability of Video Management System (VMS) solutions to accept video feeds from smartphones and tablets, effectively turning them into remote surveillance cameras. Utilizing this new solution, video surveillance systems deliver new and much more extensive mobile coverage capabilities.

This allows for faster and more effective responses to unfolding events, while providing additional video evidence for forensic and prosecution purposes.

Another significant advancement made possible by new VMS solutions is the ability to remotely access and control HD surveillance devices in real time from a PC, laptop, tablet, and even a smartphone.

Remote viewing of up to 16 HD video streams of live or recorded video at their original frame rates can now be accomplished using a standard web interface via 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, and broadband Internet connections. Each camera can be played back and reviewed individually or simultaneously with other cameras, and operators can have full digital PTZ control of each camera view with no loss of quality.

Additionally, encrypted video streams allow secure connections from both inside and outside of an enterprise network, with all the resulting collaborative and public safety advantages.

Maximizing Personnel Resources with Mobile Technology

Such new VMS mobile surveillance capabilities can be applied to improve overall situational awareness and maximize the effectiveness of the personnel deployed in the field and in command centers. With today?s broad network access, information can be shared much more quickly from field sources, such as patrol cars and roving security guards, with monitoring centers and/or security managers wherever they are.

For example, first responders equipped with tablets or smartphones can view real-time images from video surveillance cameras while in route to an event.

These high-quality video streams taken on-site and from various vantage points provide first responders with important details about an incident, including potential dangers, before they arrive on scene.

With this real-time stream of video information, first responders can better assess situations, respond more effectively, and potentially save lives. Multiple users can also access and manipulate the view of the same video simultaneously without affecting others? views.

Advanced VMS processing also helps maximize personnel resources in other ways. For example, traditional surveillance systems with multiple cameras are typically monitored by a single person or a small number of operators who have multiple sources of information to monitor.

This can inevitably cause small details to be overlooked that can quickly turn into big problems. Intelligent and sophisticated VMS solutions address this problem by filtering important information and combining events to create meaningful alerts.

Relevant video is pushed to fixed or mobile devices and critical alerts, such as an object being left behind or motion activated alarms, can be sent to specified authorities for review and action.

Advanced, intuitive, and time-saving VMS tools like touchscreen technology, map-based interfaces, context-sensitive pop-up controls, predefined action lists and time-sliced forensics also provide system operators with additional tools to better manage resources and remain vigilant at all times.

Integration for a More Effective Solution

Open architecture VMS solutions that can be integrated with other technologies and devices can greatly enhance overall real-time security and more. Integration with video analytics such as facial recognition and license plate recognition, RFID tracking, and access control systems move the dial even further towards delivering a proactive approach to incident prevention.

For example, a VMS can be programmed to send video of a breached alarmed exit to field personnel?s mobile devices. This provides immediate views of the alarmed area and helps determine what action needs to be taken.

Advanced detection and situational awareness allows field personnel to respond to incidents more quickly and effectively, potentially averting a crisis before it can occur or prevent it from escalating.

Once an event has been resolved, video and data from seemingly unrelated incidents can also be compiled for deeper incident management analysis. This allows users to develop new policies to prevent repeat situations and track events that show similar patterns.

Beyond Security

End users are accustomed to mobile communications and video in their daily lives, and have come to expect the same for professional applications. New VMS capabilities are helping to make this expectation a reality over conventional wired and wireless networks.

These capabilities also lay the groundwork for surveillance systems to transcend traditional security applications providing new sources of business intelligence, and further improving the value proposition for surveillance systems. And the applications are limitless.

Aside from providing virtually irrefutable documentation of events, intelligent new VMS solutions with advanced mobile capabilities are opening up new avenues for professional surveillance systems to travel.

Source: onssi.com