BlueHalo Brings Defense Technologies, High-Wage Jobs to Lawton’s FISTAInnovaAon Park
BlueHalo expands its footprint to Lawton, Oklahoma’s Fires InnovaNon Science and Technology Accelerator (FISTA) InnovaNon Park—bringing more highly-skilled, high-wage jobs to the region to tackle our NaNon’s criNcal security missions. The new Oklahoma presence will allow BlueHalo to beWer serve its U.S. Army customers at Fort Sill, working shoulder-to-shoulder to develop and deliver innovaNve, next-generaNon Counter-Uncrewed Aerial System (C-UAS) soluNons and air defense training technologies.
Introducing VigilantHalo–BlueHalo’s Integrated Command and Control System for the Future of Uncrewed Airspace
The future of naAonal security will depend on our ability to command the nextgeneraAon of uncrewed airspace. To protect against tomorrow’s threats, BlueHalo has introduced VigilantHalo–a soMware-driven integraAon plaNorm for real-Ame airspace Command-and-Control (C2). VigilantHalo’s versaAle design supports mulAple missions including air traffic control (ATC), beyond visual line-of-sight (BVLOS), and Counter-Uncrewed Aerial Systems (C-UAS).
Dedrone Launching Portable Counterdrone Security for Warfighters
Dedrone announced the launch of DedroneTactical, its agile CsUAS (counter small uncrewed aerial system) response kit, offering modular sensor-fusion and mitigation flexibility in the field, including Radio Frequency (RF) detect and defeat as well as camera and radar. All configurations leverage, the company’s AI-driven autonomous command and control (C2) platform that provides end-to-end CsUAS kill chain capabilities for dynamic situations in a portable solution. By leveraging, DedroneTactical delivers the fastest and most accurate CsUAS solution in any environment.