AirLive IVS Face Detection Surveillance System For Casinos

AirLive IVS Face Detection surveillance system for casinos

Casino surveillance system requires the ability to respond rapidly to incidents at low levels of lighting, which is one of the most technical-demanding requirements for surveillance systems with diverse operational requirements. Gearing video surveillance needs to focus on the activities at the gaming tables and slot machines in order to settle disputes, prevent and detect cheating, and also to protect the casino and players from dishonest employees.

Evidential-level image quality is crucial for bringing the criminal to court successfully.

Casino surveillance systems from AirLive’s IVS Face Detection embedded in MD-3025-IVS and BU-3026-IVS (Intelligent Video Surveillance) IP-cameras provide accurate video analytics that can be used to detect faces of people in the monitored area.

This function automatically detects and captures a person’s face and records the image in the storage. AirLive’s analytics surveillance systems are able to set up system alerts, take a snap shot, or record a short video when a face is detected in the frame of the image.

Besides face detection, AirLive IVS IP-camera has five other built-in IVS analytics including powerful intelligence functions such as – Face Recognition, Object Counting, Trip Zone, E-Fence, and i–Motion — for various applications in public places such as airports, stadiums, border crossings, offices, shopping mall, and buildings.  
