Alcatraz, developer of secure frictionless access control products, and Boon Edam a global leader in security entrances and architectural revolving doors have announced an integration that delivers touchless access control with facial recognition for mantrap portal circle lock units, and similar entrance solutions used in a variety of industries.
?The Boon Edam and Alcatraz technology partnership is huge,? said Boon Edam Vice President of Technology and Product Support Kurt Measom.
?The Alcatraz Rock delivers a touchless facial recognition access control solution for our products like the mantrap portal circlelock unit. With it, we can provide a quick seamless entry point into highly secure areas like data centers.?
Alcatraz Founder and CEO Vince Gaydarzhiev said they developed the Alcatraz Rock with leading security entrance control providers like Boon Edam in mind.
?We knew that facial authentication would enhance Boon Edam?s existing entrance control solutions by giving them the option to easily incorporate secure, frictionless access control into their security regardless of the access control provider they use because we developed the Rock to work with all of them,? Gaydarzhiev said.
The Alcatraz Rock delivers a frictionless and secure physical access control platform that detects tailgating and works with any access control system. It replaces or augments badging as a credential with facial recognition, 3D sensing, and artificial intelligence to enable highly secure and frictionless entry into physical locations. The Rock uses passive 3D sensing, machine learning for increased security, and accurate tailgating detection while intelligently enrolling employees as they are badging in, creating onboarding magic.
When used with Boon Edam automatic security entrance products like the mantrap portal circlelock unit, the Alcatraz Rock enhances security and improves flow, said Measom.
?We have found that the Alcatraz Rock performs better than other biometrics we have used in that it?s seamless,? he said.
?Some biometrics can take more time because a person?s face has to be directly in front of an iris scanner, for example. But with the Rock, it?s quick and intuitive. It recognizes users very quickly and takes no time at all.?
?An integration like this between Alcatraz and Boon Edam is really a game-changer for those industries that require the ultimate in security like data centers,? said Gaydarzhiev.
?We?re excited to partner with Boon Edam and help them increase security in the variety of verticals they specialize in.?
Alcatraz increases physical security while decreasing friction in an enterprise access control environment using 3D sensing, computer vision, and artificial intelligence by integrating into an already deployed badging infrastructure with one-factor secure facial authentication or augmenting it with dual-factor badge and face authentication.
Source: boonedam.us