Avalue Smart Traffic Solution – AI Makes Effective Traffic Management Possible

Avalue Traffic Management

In the midst of explosive demand in smart cities worldwide, Avalue Technology with its years of experience in artificial intelligence (AI) and foothold in the Taiwan market has been picked by the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, as its industry partner to introduce AI into traffic management in Taoyuan City and subsequently implementing integrated solutions into other cities.

Avalue will also seek opportunities arising from smart cities overseas under New Southbound Policy, reinforcing what the company values most in a smart city ? bringing technology closer to people.

Smart Intersection Safety System
Getting rid of hardware thinking, the Avalue team focuses on smart traffic solutions by bringing AI recognition system to road junctions where have no traffic signals. For instance, a warning message will appear on the LED screen when pedestrians are crossing the road so as to reduce road accidents; and, upon detecting vehicles on the main road, LED screen on branch roads going toward the main road warn of approaching vehicles at the junction, reminding drivers to reduce speed when approaching the junction, reducing chances of traffic accidents.

Monitoring driving behavior to improve passenger safety
Integrating hardware equipment and on-board diagnostics (OBD2) in existing buses of bus service operators in Taoyuan, Avalue allows the operators to monitor the status and location of their bus fleets, and even record driving behavior of their drivers to provide passengers with safer bus rides. Not only does it improve passenger satisfaction but also reduce incidents and frequency of complaints for bus service operators.

Traffic enforcement with AI technology and ambulance priority pass improve traffic safety and reduce accidents
Smart AI detection system installed at bus bays and no-parking/ red-line zones will detect and record entire process of traffic violation, thus reinforcing the public?s compliance with traffic rules, and reducing traffic congestion and demand on policing manpower. Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) is also used to control traffic signals when an ambulance is passing a junction, preventing the need for ambulances to run red lights, maintaining road safety and increasing rescue efficiency.


As cities face greater challenges in traffic management, to meet the demands of a vertical market stemming from the emergence of smart transportation, IoT and AI, Avalue is able to provide customized solutions to meet different cities? needs with same requirement for traffic management ? reduce traffic accidents and congestion, and improve road safety and compliance with traffic rules. We look forward to building smarter and better cities with our partners.

Avalue Technology

Source: avalue.com.tw