Implementation Complements Historic Architecture With Innovative, Thoughtful Design That Enhances User Experience, Saves Energy, And Maintains High-Volume Access Throughput
Boon Edam Inc., a global leader in security entrances and architectural revolving doors, announced that Stockholm Central Station in Sweden has installed a Boon Edam entrance solution as part of a renovation project for the terminal.
Originally designed in 1871, Stockholm Central Station has a long, proud history, and the building itself features magnificent artworks and architecture. The building is historically listed and as such, officials have an obligation to protect its architectural features in any upgrades or renovations that are undertaken.
The current generation of commuters is very discerning in their public transport needs. They place a high emphasis on using a facility which is efficient, sustainable, and easily accessible, but one that is aesthetically pleasing too. A dignified, impressive entrance is key to a comfortable customer experience and is proven to leave a lasting impression on the visitor.
“The goal was to let people experience the whole atmosphere of this historic building, from floor to ceiling. We also wanted to have the old and the new come together in a natural way,” said AIX Architectural Conservator Johan Ritts
Source: boonedam.us