The world of closed, propriety systems is changing. Open integrations are morphing the security, loT, and connected devices landscape, offering greater installation and specification advantages to systems integrators and their customers.
When Connected Technologies, LLC and its Connect ONE® cloud-hosted integrated security platform launched several years ago, former dealer and managing partner Mike Simon set out on a mission to deliver targeted services that installers and their customers could use to manage their business holistically without increasing operating expenses. When an integrated platform is easier for customers, such as Connect ONE, the stickier they become and the more likely to add other capabilities. That means tangible recurring monthly revenue for the dealer and a higher overall business valuation.
With this in mind, Connected Technologies has been on the forefront of developing and offering Open User Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that add value to cloud services and allow users to simplify day-to-day operations, such as access control security.
?Dealers were asking for one-point data entry for customer companies utilizing human resource software so they could automatically populate the access control database without re-entering data,? said Mike Simon.
The company recently developed the Access Expander?s API, which instantly inputs human resources, visitor management or membership information to eliminate time-consuming and possibilities of entry errors with duplicate data entries. The API is also a perfect fit for membership-based facilities, opening the door of opportunity to customers and market verticals such as multi-tenant, health clubs, multipurpose rooms, gated communities or rental properties.
Simon commented that the company listened and responded to requests from its dealer customers and developed the new capability so end users would have a single database to manage instead of multiple programs, as well as spend less time on data entry. ?Employees or users only need to be added once. Likewise, new employees or users can be assigned access without having to re-enter their information into Connect ONE. When their employment expires their access automatically deactivates,? he said.
Simon added that manufacturers typically develop hardware and software offerings for the masses, not niche markets. ?We service these and other niche markets and want dealers to know they can come to us with suggestions that can make their value proposition stronger and their business more profitable,? he said.
Connect ONE and ScanPass® Mobile Credential are products of Connected Technologies, LLC. The Connect ONE web-hosted interface manages all solutions?security, access control, video, critical temperature monitoring and more, from an easy-to-use platform accessible from PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Created with both user and dealer in mind, Connected Technologies partners with leading industry firms such as Nest, Honeywell, Bosch, Elk Products and others.
Source: simplifywithconnectone.com