Do You Randivoo?


BY Bruce Doneff, Brivo Labs: SITUATION: Awesome, I got to the office just in time for my meeting — Oops, I left my key card at home.

A situation I am sure most people have been in, including myself. Not only is it embarrassing standing by a locked door waiting for one of your fellow coworkers to walk by, but it always seems to happen at the most inopportune times.

Rändivoo Mobile is an app that solves this problem. Though this app could ease the minds of employees in an office, imagine how this could also provide visitors who arrive for a meeting with a more seamless experience.

Imagine you are in Salesforce and are setting up a meeting request with your invitee. They receive an email that comes with a button that would add the doors that you have granted them access to in your building. You would then have the flexibility to grant them access for the duration of the meeting or perhaps for the whole day.

How does it work?
Using Brivo Labs’ SAM API (to be released at SXSW), Apple’s iBeacon technology, and Estimote‘s Bluetooth Low-Energy beacons, the Brivo Labs is able to create a solution that would make a door smart enough to know who was standing in front of it.

By logging in with either your Salesforce or Google+ account, an administrator of an office or building could provision you access to a certain set of doors and for a particular length of time.

As the administrator using the app you will be able to choose the Estimote beacon, which is shown on a radar, and proceed to associate it to any of the doors on your account. You will also have the option to name the beacon, enter the distance you wish the door to be pulsed and determine whether you want the user to push a button to open the door or have the door open just by walking up to it with the “Push To Pulse” option.

As a user, your job will be a simple one: Run the service or turn it off. You may also view the sites and doors that you have access to at that time.

Future Plans
There are already features on the roadmap that will be added such as integration with our Visitor Management System, Rändivoo. This would allow a visitor the ability to walk through the locked front entrance of a building and trigger an alert to be sent to the person who invited you that you’ve arrived.

The visitor would have bypassed the whole check in process by simply walking through a secured door.

Taking it further, Rändivoo Mobile will also have the potential to interact with elevators. Instead of having to scroll through your email to find the office number and then figure out which floor you need to go to, what if you were able to just walk in the elevator and it knew where to drop you off.
