The extensive bus garage vandalism in the Frontier School District in October has led to a $20,000 security system at the district bus garage. The vandalism forced the shutdown of schools for a day. Add to that the $8,900 damage allegedly caused by the 18-year-old former student charged in the vandalism spree, plus at least another $10,000 in estimated overtime expenses tied to a seven-day-a-week night watch crew. The result is nearly $40,000 in total expenses because of the vandalism – linked to a former student who had dropped out of school.
“Our bus transportation security system is up and running, so let’s hope no one tries to get through it,” School Business Manager Richard F. Calipari said.
“We’ve secured our facilities and outdoor storage of buses.”
The new security system became operational in late November and includes direct video surveillance and alarm trips to a security company. The new cameras also are linked into the Hamburg town police. The latest update came at last week’s School Board meeting.
Afterward, interim Superintendent Paul G. Hashem was asked whether the district can recoup some of the money from the student who was charged. But Hashem said the district will not be able to recoup the costs.
“He’s a young kid – 18 years old. He’s definitely had a hard life and spent 50 days in jail,” he said. Hashem, after consulting with an assistant district attorney, suggested counseling and community service for the former student. Many Buses had to be cleaned. […]
Source: buffalonews.com