Greeley-Evans School District 6 is in the process of installing video security systems at all middle schools and a high school this summer. The district installed video security systems at all 16 of its elementary schools about a year ago.
Heath, Franklin, John Evans, and Brentwood middle schools will receive video monitoring systems that will require visitors to buzz in to the main office, where a school employee will ask visitors to identify themselves and state their business at the school.
Visitors will then have to check in at the office and get a visitor badge. Jefferson High School, the district’s alternative high school, will be the only high school to get the new video security system.
It was selected because of its small size and the on-site day care in the building. John Gates, director of safety and security for District 6, said the district spent six to eight months analyzing the feasibility of having the systems at the middle schools after a successful launch elsewhere in the district.
"I didn’t have one negative comment from parents after the systems were installed at the elementary schools," Gates said.
Prairie Heights, the school created when John Evans closes next year, won’t need the system because it will already have state-of-the-art security, Gates said.
He also noted that the district’s three traditional high schools have triple the live security as the middle schools.
Source: denverpost.com