IPConfigure announces the release of Orchid Fusion VMS version 21.9.0 and Orchid Core VMS 21.9.0, both available for download now. Customers using IPConfigure hosted products should expect to see their cloud sites updated to version 21.9.0 within the next five business days.
Orchid Core VMS 21.9.0
Orchid Core VMS 21.9.0 was released on October 15, 2021. This release includes improvements to speed up connection times when viewing live video from ONVIF cameras, as well as improvements to Orchid Core VMS’s export handling and reporting capabilities.
New Features
- Orchid Core VMS will now request a new keyframe from compatible ONVIF cameras whenever a user connects to a WebRTC or Low Bandwidth Mode live stream, often allowing video to start more quickly.
- When downloading multi-part exported video as a zip file or dewarp player package, the included video files now have meaningful file names that include camera name and date/time.
- Improve reporting on the “Retention Policy” page to provide more meaningful information, especially for cameras set to record only during motion.
- Orchid Core VMS’s quirks system for handling unusual behavior in certain cameras’ ONVIF implementations can now be updated by recovering the camera.
- Automatically remove empty video archive directories in the background.
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue where the Orchid Core VMS user interface can sometimes be half-installed, leaving the web interface either non-functional or displaying a previous Orchid Core VMS version.
- Fix issue where Orchid Core VMS could be configured with an invalid storage path on Windows systems. Orchid Core VMS will now enter a “degraded state” when this happens and prompt the user to take corrective action.
- Fix issue where trailing whitespace on certain values in the Orchid Core VMS properties file could prevent upgrade of user interface files.
- Fix issue where duplicate Audio Encoder types in a camera’s ONVIF configuration prevented Orchid Core VMS from saving audio recording settings correctly.
- Due to recent changes in Chrome, USB Joysticks can only be used when Orchid Core VMS is in HTTPS mode.
API Changes
- Add API support for Secondary Streams. These are streams received by Orchid Core VMS that can only record or proxy, and function to supplement the existing Primary Stream.
- Add API support for Default View Streams. These represent the stream the Orchid Core VMS UI shows by default when a camera is added to the stage.
- Secondary and Default View Streams are API-only features that will soon be accessible to users in a coming version of Orchid Core VMS.
- Update the following endpoints to include new defaultViewStreamId and secondaryStreams fields:
- GET /cameras
- GET /cameras/{cameraId}
- PATCH /cameras/{cameraId}
- Update PATCH /cameras/{cameraId} to observe the new preservePrimaryRecordingStyle option under primaryStream.
- Update the following endpoints to observe expanded options for the “live” query parameter:
- GET /streams
- GET /streams/status
- Update GET /cameras/disk-usage to include new retentionSpanMilliseconds and streams fields.
see the Orchid Core VMS Release Notes.
Orchid Fusion VMS 21.9.0
Orchid Fusion VMS 21.9.0 was released on October 15, 2021. New in this version, Maps can be associated with Camera Groups. Uses can add these Maps to the Stage to identify and view cameras.
New Features
- Orchid Fusion VMS now supports maps.
- Administrators can upload and associate a map with a Camera Group, then position and orient those cameras from that Group on the map.
- Maps associated with Camera Groups are shown in the Camera Bag and can be dragged onto the Stage.
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue where Orchid Fusion VMS “Add Library Items” dialog becomes unresponsive after an error occurs.
- Orchid Fusion VMS no longer gives spurious compatibility warnings on certain iOS and Android devices.
- Fix issue where Orchid Fusion VMS would never display an error message when provided invalid credentials for an iframe player.
- Fix issue that caused Orchid Fusion VMS to incorrectly report errors when creating or updating Notifications.
- Fix error where Orchid Fusion VMS Camera Group node would collapse in the admin interface when modified.
- Due to recent changes in Chrome, USB Joysticks can only be used when Orchid Fusion VMS is in HTTPS mode.
- Beginning with this release, Orchid Fusion VMS no longer provides installers for Ubuntu 14.04.
API Changes
- Update the response objects of the following endpoints to include new objects for map configuration and camera coordinates:
- GET /groups
- POST /groups
- GET /groups/flat
- GET /groups/{id}
- PATCH /groups/{id}
- Update PATCH /groups/{id} request to include new field, hideCamerasInBag, and new coordinates object for cameras.
- Update POST /groups request to include new field, hide Cameras in Bag.
- Create new GET /groups/{id}/map-image for downloading a Camera Group?s map image.
- Create new PUT /groups/{id}/map-image for uploading or updating a Camera Group?s map image.
- Create new DELETE /groups/{id}/map-image for deleting a Camera Group?s map image..
see the Orchid Fusion VMS Release Notes.
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Source: ipconfigure.com