iCAM TD100A Provides Mission Critical Support to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Agencies
Iris ID, a global leader in iris recognition technology since 1997 has secured a significant new partnership with the Texas Department of Public Safety (TDPS), to add over two hundred more Iris ID iCAM TD100A units to their livescan systems. This further cements the growing popularity and efficacy of iris recognition technology for law enforcement, criminal justice agencies, and their partners. As a biometric, iris recognition is deemed the most accurate modality over either fingerprint or facial recognition, and is second only to DNA.
The TDPS is responsible for protecting its 30 million residents, the states’ critical infrastructures, and over 1,254 miles of international border with Mexico. The threats that the DPS monitors require constant vigilance and the most up-to-date and efficient technologies.
Faced with limited resources and a growing criminal contingent, this technology is poised to assist law enforcement and state agencies with protecting citizens and property, while providing local and state law enforcement and criminal justice agencies with around-the-clock access to mission critical information systems, like the Next Generation Identification Iris Service (NGI).
In 2014, Iris ID began the (NGI), a pilot program with Border Patrol and the FBI, which gave law enforcement and government agencies access to the largest repository of iris biometric data associated with fingerprint and face images. This repository is indispensable, as it provides an iris-only search capability that provides 1-N identification – speeding the intake and matching process of detainees.
In 2020, the FBI officially rolled out the NGI platform. Since 2020, the repository has been growing at a rate of 100k+ new identities monthly. There are currently about 675 law enforcement locations in the US contributing to NGI Iris Service from 250 agencies and we expect to see that number continue to grow. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Border Patrol has over 2000 workstations installed enrolling to NGI every day.
As a tool to aid law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, iris recognition is useful in scenarios that require fast, accurate, and non-contact identification. Use cases include intake and release, work release, transportation, mobile identification, border security, and investigative searches.
About Iris ID Systems Inc.
Iris ID Systems Inc. has been active in iris recognition research, development, and production since 1997. Today, U.S.-based Iris ID Systems is a global provider of iris recognition solutions. IrisAccess is the world’s leading deployed iris recognition platform and is used in thousands of locations, authenticating millions of people’s identities daily. More people look to IrisAccess for iris-based authentication than to all other iris recognition products combined.