The Government Security News 2014 Airport, Seaport, Border Security Awards Program has selected Iris ID in the category of Best Biometric Identification/Authentication Facility.
In a comment on this award, Adrian Courtenay, GSN Managing Partner and CEO said, “IRIS ID has proved itself to be a standout leader in IRIS-based ID Authentication, with products that provide high integrity mass enrollment applications, physical access security airports, national ID programs, secure border crossings, data centers, biometric labs, HAZMAT environments, and other critical infrastructure applications.”
The awards winners in the program, according to the GSN announcement, were selected by a blue ribbon panel of security experts that included Xerox Vice President of Homeland Security Chuck Brooks; Ralston MacDonnell, CEO of the engineering, consulting and training firm MacDonnell Group in Halifax, Nova Scotia; and Janice Kephart, a subject matter expert in Access Control and Identification, Immigration and Border Security and other sectors of Homeland Security, who also founded the Secure Identity and Biometrics Association.
“This award endorses our strategic vision to simultaneously innovate, while continuously serving our customers well,” said Charles Koo, CEO of IRIS ID. “At IRIS ID, we strive to enable greater adoption of IRIS recognition across multiple sectors by leveraging the characteristics of iris biometrics, mobility, identity management and cloud capabilities to best address our customer’s evolving requirements.”
Iris ID Systems, Inc, formerly a division of LG Electronics USA known as LG Iris, has been active in iris recognition research, development, and production since 1997.
Source: gsnmagazine.com