A Baby Monitor That Gives Me Total Peace of Mind


With a new baby on the way, we have been slowly buying things we need new or to replace from our first son. One thing was a baby monitor. With Sawyer, we just had an audio monitor, but this time I was hoping to get a video monitor instead. I am sure it would give me a better peace of mind after we moved the baby into his own room.

Because this was already on our baby registry, I was thrilled when LOREX Baby wanted to send me a video monitor to review. Getting this would allow us to cross one more thing off the “to buy” list!

We received the LOREX Sweet Peek Digital Baby Monitor with Wireless Camera. For now, we have been using it in Sawyer’s room. We were still using his regular audio monitors, just because I like to know everything’s okay when I cannot be in the room with my son. I can tell you that this is a huge upgrade!

Read the full review HERE.


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