ISC West was a major event in the world of physical access control verticals and as was discussed in the latest findBIOMETRICS primer, biomtertic technology has an immense number of applications when it comes to keeping areas protected via identity management. Iris ID, formerly LG Iris, has been taking full advantage of the stage that ISC West is providing, having announced three new integrators in the lead up to the conference and, on the first day of the event announcing the release of its new iCAM Manager SDK.
The new iris recognition SDK will allow for the development of identity dependent applications for access control and time and attendance purposes.
“iCAM Manager will deliver a new level of customization tools to our partners and system integrators,” explains Iris ID CEO Charles Koo. “This new product will allow them to develop solutions and connect all enterprise level devices into a holistic identity management infrastructure from mobile to backoffice. We are very excited to broaden our ecosystem of partners with this offering. With our continued commitment to open systems architecture, the new iCAM Manager provides protocol based API’s to deliver OS platform independent application support and seamless interface into cloud based solutions with Iris ID iCAMCloudConnect technology.” […]
Source: findbiometrics.com