Wisconsin’s Rep Larson Introduces Bill Preventing Schools From Collecting Biometric Data

Rep Tom Larson

Rep. Tom Larson (R-Colfax, WI) introduced a bill barring schools from collecting or using students’ biometric data, such as blood pressure, without their parents’ or guardians’ consent. No school district in Wisconsin is known to engage in these practices. In fact, no Wisconsin law exists regarding the collection or usage of biometric data one way or another, but times are changing fast.

“As technology and teaching methods evolve, who can say what’s coming ten, twenty or thirty years down the road?” Larson asked. Larson said his bill is about preventing a potential problem. “I believe the legislature owes it to students and their families to be proactive and address the issue of biometric data before it can become a problem.”

Larson introduced the bill in response to a recommendation from the Assembly Select Committee on Common Core Standards.

Source: chippewa.com