Jacksonville City Councilman Jim Love is introducing plans he said will make Jacksonville’s nightclubs safer. The councilman’s goal is to curb violence in Jacksonville’s nightclubs and bars. City Councilman Love said city leaders are currently drafting an ordinance that would give clubs specific guidelines to follow for safety and security.
"If you go in there with a gun and shoot somebody at least it will be on video tape and you will know that it will be on video tape and hopefully we can track the people down," said Councilman Jim Love.
Love pointed out that patrons can go into any bar or nightclub in the city and not really know how safe they are. Some clubs have cameras and others have visible security, but Love said he wants to make changes and have uniform requirements for security in clubs across the city.
"I’m not going as far as some of them go but there are no minimums," said Love. He stated that for the last month, he and the city’s general counsel has been drafting an ordinance based on suggestions he’s come up with to make clubs safer.
Love would like to see security cameras at every entrance and exit door inside establishments. […]
Source: news4jax.com