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Owner: Jay Bartlett
Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 04-17-2017 22:53
Arecont Vision leads the way in megapixel video. We are a U.S. corporation with headquarters, R&D, and manufacturing in the Los Angeles, California area. A major area of concern for our customers today is often around cybersecurity. Verisign, a Virginia-based infrastructure and security company, reported in 2016 that the frequency of cyberattacks is increasing by 75% year over year [see https://goo.gl/tHVZKR]. The sophistication of cyberattacks and the types of devices involved are both increasing in number and evolving in complexity. Consider the attack on Krebsecurity.com and France-based Internet hosting firm OHV in September of 2016. Instead of traditional IT devices, this attack involved over 140,000 network cameras and digital video recorders (DVRs) [see https://goo.gl/Df4Mkr]. The devices were transformed into robotic attackers or “bots” by an infection of Mirai malware. The devices were used in repeated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, keeping the targeted websites so busy that they were unable to respond to legitimate user requests. With the Internet of Things (IoT) growing in use across cameras, appliances, industrial machinery, vehicles, and smart home technology, DDoS-style malware has many more devices to both target and launch cyberattacks from than ever before.