A new site security system from Credential Verification Service (CVS) lets security managers track in real time all employees and contractors who are entering a worksite or building. To enter, the individual just places an RFID-enabled photo ID card within an inch of a reader.
The CVS card connects to a cloud-based database to give security staff the information needed to determine whether to admit or deny entry. The new security system extends CVS?s time-tested service for verifying employee training by scanning a photo ID card linked to a database.
The readers record the time and location of each ?tap? and, optionally, can record each exit. The system can be connected to turnstiles for automated entry.
Readers can be either secured to a fixed physical location or used as mobile devices. Multiple entry/exit points can be configured.
The CVS system offers secure identification of authorized employees and immediately alerts security to potential intruders. It stores historical data so managers can spot trends and issues. Data is easily exported into other systems, including human resources and time and attendance systems.
On a large worksite or campus, additional readers can be installed at controlled-access choke-points. Data stored on the cards is highly secure because of advanced encryption technology.
Log-in events are immediately viewable on the cloud-based CVS database. Data can be downloaded at any time for import into other systems, or further data analysis.
This service can be configured to display who is on-site at any point in time, a process often called mustering.
Optionally, the system can be configured to check individual credentials, including verifying whether someone is whitelisted or a blacklisted. It can also verify whether someone meets pre-established rules for access to that location and then show a red light or green light to the guard.
The system incorporates CVS?s cloud-based software services and photo ID cards. TapTrack, a Canadian firm specializing in NFC and RFID technologies, provides the readers and RFID technology.
Source: credentialverificationservice.com