New York City has become the epicenter of a massive apparatus of citizen surveillance, harassment, and control. It’s a place rife with biometrics, a city-wide camera system supplying real-time data to law enforcement, and a militarized physical presence that has turned the city into an armed encampment. New York, in fact, is the testing ground for the implementation of military-level counterterrorism operations on American soil.
According to a 60 Minutes interview with Commissioner Ray Kelly, he commands a force larger than the FBI, consisting of 35,000 uniformed officers and 15,000 civilian employees. New York’s surveillance city – aka Ring of Steel – has no rival in the realm of Big Brother worship. But so far this is mostly confined to the center. However, in outlying districts, the surveillance society is yet to be imposed full force.
The NYPD is now asking for businesses to cooperate in helping to make that happen. Citing a rise in violent crime in the 32nd Precint, Harlem, Commander Rodney Harrison is proposing a cooperation with local businesses dubbed “Grid Search.” The residents seem to be all for it: Many nearby residents said it was a splendid idea.
“You’ve got a lot of these gang members out here attacking people for no reason,” said one neighbor, Dwayne. “They need to just put a lot of cameras up in storefronts to lower the crime rate.” However, the business owners aren’t embracing the idea as enthusiastically: […]
Source: activistpost.com